Üksikutele/ To the lonely

Tahan kirjutada natuke hingekaksikutest. Selle ümber on tänasel päeval päris palju müstikat, ka naeruvääristamist ja muud sellist, mida ei mõisteta. Tegelikult on tegu aga täiesti reaalse nähtusega, ainult inimesed, kes on sellest ühendusest tõeliselt teadlikud, on selle ära tundnud tänu Neptuuni mõjule endale- ja midagi erakordset selles ei ole.

Esiteks – hingekaksikud ei ole sama mis sugulashinged. Sugulashinged on sarnased, aga mitte täiuslikult sarnased (sisemiselt, tõlgendamise küsimus). Hingekaksikud on nagu poolitatud peegel, kes peegeldavad üksteisele absoluutselt kõike tagasi. Sellepärast on need suhted tihti ka keeruliseimad ja intensiivseimad siin maailmas kui kohtutakse armastajatena. Ma tean aga ka ühte sellist juhust, kus hingekaksikud olid üksteisele isa ja tütar ja see kestis suhteliselt lühikest aega, kuna tütar oli 8-aastane kui ta isa suri.

See et hingekaksikud on väga erineva vanusega, on samuti väga levinud, nagu ka see, et üks neist ei ole parajasti elavate hulgas, vaid toetab teist astraalselt pikka aega (mitte kunagi aga terve teise eluaja kui see on pikk, kuna selle järele pole lihtsalt vajadust). Sellisel juhul, kui üks neist pole parajasti kehastunud, on nende ühendus erakordselt tugev – ka siis kui inimene seda ise ei mõista (nagu eelnevalt öeldud, seda ei saagi mõista kui Neptuuni seis taevas  ja inimese eneseteadlikkus seda ei soosi konkreetse inimese puhul), aga kui ta on avatud sellele, siis on see tõesti täis seda, mida võib nimetada müstiliseks. Ja rääkides numbrites, siis hingekaksikud on umbes 95. %-l inimestest, nii-öelda soolotajaid on väga vähe (ja neil on teistsugune seljataguse-süsteem lihtsalt, ka nemad pole nö üksi).
Mis on hingekaksiku mõte? Ta lohutab ja abistab – nii inimkujul kui ilma selleta. Teda saab alati kohale kutsuda ja ta ei suuda sellele vastu panna – selline on see ühendus. Aga kui tal on ülesandeid mujal, siis see võib osutuda suureks probleemiks ja sellepärast ei tohi seda kuritarvitada. Kui tunnete end üksildasena, rääkige temaga oma vaimus, esitage küsimusi ta kohta või talle ja vastused tulevad alati – tuleb ainult osata neid ära tunda. Te ei ole tõeliselt kunagi üksi :-).


I want to write a little about twin souls. It involves these days quite a lot of mystery, also ridicule and such because most people don´t understand that. But in real it is perfectly real phenomenon, only people, who are conscious about that connection, have recognized that because of Neptune´s influence on them- and there´s nothing extraordinary about that in real.
First of all – twin souls are not the same as soul mates. Soul mates are similar, but not perfectly alike (internally, a matter of interpretation). Twin souls are like a mirror cut in half and they reflect back absolutely everything to each other. That is the reason why often are these relationships most difficult and intense if they meet as lovers. I know myself also such case, where twin souls were to each other a father and a daughter and it lasted for a short while, because the daughter was eight years old when her father died.

That is a common practice that twin souls have major difference in age, as well as that one of them is not among living and supports his/her twin astrally for a long time (but never whole lifetime of the twin if it´s long, because there´s simply no need for that). If one of them is not at the moment incarnated, is the connection between them exceptionally viable – also then if you don´t  understand that yourself (as said before it can´t be understood if the Neptune´s position in the sky and person´s consciousness does not favor that), but if he or she´s open to that, then this relationship is indeed full of that, what could be called mystical. And speaking of numbers, then about 95% of people have twin souls, those who solo, are the major exception (and also they are not alone, they just have different backing-system).

What is the purpose of twin soul? He/she comforts and helps – both as human and non-human. He can be summoned whenever you feel like that and he can´t resist that call – because of the connection he has to you. But if he has taken on other responsibilities, then it could become a big problem and that´s why you should not misuse this. If you feel lonely, talk to him in your consciousness, ask questions to him or about him and you´ll have all the answers – you only have to be able to recognize them. You´re never really alone J.



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