Seljatagune/ Behind your back
Kujutlege, et kõik inimesed, kes elavad ja on kunagi elanud,
on üks hing. Me kõik koosneme suurest hulgast aspektidest, mis mõjutavad meid
meie valikutes. Samamoodi mõjutab keskkond ja perekond. Iga inimene on nagu
tegelane loos ja esindab oma perekonda (nii hinge-, kui vere-) ning on teised
perekonnad, kellega sõditakse. Nii lihtne on panna silt külge millelegi või
kellelegi, mida ei mõisteta ja muuta see negatiivseks, samal ajal aga pidada
positiivseks seda, mida „teatakse“. Keegi ei mäleta enam algset põhjust, miks
see nii on, aga vaenus pole kuhugi kadunud aastasadade jooksul ning põhjendusi
selleks jätkub elu lõpuni. See kasvab aina mitme pealisemaks, sest algne põhjus
pole kuhugi kadunud, kuigi asjaosalised seda enam ei näe ega tunne.
Looge endale seljatagune raskustega toime tulemiseks. Kui
teil on elus inimesed, keda te tahaksite seal näha, asetage nad mõttes sinna.
Kui neid ei ole, või te tahate neile lisa, pange sinna kõik need, keda te
tahaksite seal olevat. Piiranguid ei ole, nad ei pea olema elus ega isegi mitte
inimesed. Nad on olemas kõigi abistamiseks ja nad on osa meist. Keegi meist ei
ole üksi, meil on lihtsalt õigus lüüa uksed ja aknad kinni kui me tahame, aga
samamoodi ka avada need uuesti. Ja samamoodi asetage enda kõrvale mõttes inimene,
keda te tahaksite seal näha – kas või ideeliselt, kui teda teie meelest olemas
ei ole.
Imagine that all people,
who live and have lived, are one soul. We all consist of large number of
aspects, that affect us in our choices. Likewise affects us the environment and
a family. Every human is like a character in a story and represents his family
(both soul- and blood-)- and there are other families, with whom you are in war
with. It is so easy to attach a label to something or someone, what you do not
understand and consider it negative while you consider positive all that you
„know“. No one remembers any more the initial reason, why it is so, but feud is
still there after centennials and reasons for that will never end. It grows
more and more heads because initial reason for that is still there, though people
involved do not see and feel that any more.
You should create for
yourself a backing to deal with difficulties. If you have people in your life,
whom you would like to see behind your back, place them there in your mind. If
you don´t have such people, or you want even more back-up, you should place
there everyone, whom you would like to be there. There are no restrictions,
they don´t have to be alive nor even humans. They exist to assist us and they
are part of us. None of us is in real alone, it´s just that we all have rights
to close the doors and windows, but also open them. Likewise you can place in
your mind next to you someone, whom you would like to be there – even if he or
she is „only“ an idea by you and does not exist in real.
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