Andre Stern on about not going to school nor never been homeschooled

„It is very important to underline that not going to school does not mean being homeschooled or being taught by our parents, or staying at home as opposed to going to school. My parents did not send me to school and they did not teach me either. NOBODY TAUGHT ME. Different things occur in such a case. I am the story of a happy childhood, that´s my story, but I am a very ordinary child.

When not disturbed, the first thing a child does, is to play. And if one never interrupted it, it would always play. PLAY is the best learning tool. There´s nothing better than play to learn. It´s not by accident that nature equiped us with this skill. But today is playing placed in the opposite side of learning, when it is the very learning tool. I´ve been playing for 42 years without being interrupted. And I´m not wild, illiterate, asocial, unemployed and superficial. When child plays, it´s not superficial. Superficiality is a reality that does not exist for a child. Playing is serious, not superficial. Playing is the most serious, the most practical, the most useful activity a child is able to do. It´s not by accident that a child devotes himself to this activity when left in peace.

We often come from the idea that a child is lazy, sly and cheating little being who needs to be put back on the right tracks, because if we don´t do so and don´t give him a structure, he would not learn or do anything, he would not evolve and would stay in a vegetative state. What observation and now science show, is that´s the total opposite. It´s actually when we start to interrupt the child, to hinder his spontaneous disposition, that he starts getting lazy and sly, and he becomes a slaker.

The new discovery is that our brain develops where we use it with enthusiasm. The key word is  ENTHUSIASM. In a state of enthusiasm, we grow wings. And enthusiasm is an endless resource on earth. It is available all the time, at every moment to all. To learn to read it takes 3 hours – with enthusiasm! For 42 years, I´ve been able to remain in this innate state of enthusiasm that every child has naturally at birth. Because the brain is neutral and the learning process runs way before our earthly life.

The child comes out hoping that 3 things will repeat outside:
1) an intense bound with someone, because that´s what he feels during the first nine months.
2) The second thing is to grow and become independent. Independence and attachment are not contradictory. In fact there´s no independence without attachment.
3) and finally, the child is born with the hope that there are things to learn outside the womb.
As a matter of fact, the brain of a newborn has much more connections at birth than after. But we believe that brain was developing over time.

We don´t need qualifications, only competences. And those competences are the side-effects of enthusiasm."


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