Maailma vanim lugu/ The oldest story in the world

Poiss armastas tüdrukut. Kaugelt eemalt, ohutust kaugusest. Tüdruk sai sellest aru ja tahtis teada kes ta on.
Ta armus poissi. Poiss tuli ta juurde ühel päeval koos oma sõbraga, kes jumaldas tüdrukuid ja kui ta ka tüdrukule meeldis, armus ta temasse. Alati läks tal nii.
Poiss ütles tüdrukule, et ta kardab teda ja sellepärast saab ta armastada teda ainult oma sõbra kaudu. Tüdruk vaatas ta sõbrale otsa ning ta meeldis talle. Ta oli nõus.
Sõber armuski tüdrukusse, aga poisiga juhtus midagi sõnulseletamatut. Ta ei kartnud enam tüdrukut ja ei suutnud enam hetkegi ilma temata olla. Tüdruk oli aga õnnelik, sest ta armastas mõlemat.
-„Nüüd sa pead valima,“ ütles poiss. „Kummaga meist sa tahad olla?“
Tüdruk ei uskunud oma kõrvu.
-„Miks? Ma armastan teid mõlemat!“
-„Ma ei suuda sind mitte kellegagi jagada.“
-„Sa just tegid seda!“
-„Siis ma ei teadnud seda.“
Tüdruk pööras neile selja ja lahkus. Ta lahkus kodust, maalt ja oleks jätnud kas või elu kui oleks suutnud. Aga ei suutnud. Armastust oli tas liiga palju.
Ta naasis uuesti koju aastaid hiljem. Ta sai teada, et poiss oli surnud õnnetult paar aastat peale ta lahkumist. Sõber rääkis talle kõigest ja nad nutsid koos. Ja ta armus jälle tüdrukusse. Tüdruk nuttis aga sellepärast, et ta tundis, et mitte midagi ei ole muutunud sellest hetkest, kui ta lahkus. Sest ta armastas ikka neid mõlemat.

A boy loved a girl. From afar, safe distance.  But girl realized that and wanted to know who he is.
She fell in love with him. One day boy came to see her with his friend, who adored all the girls there are and if a girl liked him, he fell in love with her.  It was the story of his life.
A boy said to a girl that he´s afraid of her and could love her only through his friend. Girl looked to the eyes of his friend and liked him. She agreed.
And a friend did fell in love with a girl, but then happened the unspeakable. Boy no longer was afraid of her and couldn´t be without her a moment longer. And the girl was happy, because she loved them both.
-„You have to choose now,“ said a boy. „Do you want to be with me or with him?“

-„Why? I love you both!“
-„I can´t share you with anyone.“
-„You just did!“
-„I didn´t know that then.“
She turned around and left. She left her home and her country and would have left also from life, but she couldn´t. There was too much love in her.
She returned to home after many years. She learned that boy had died by a accident in a couple of years after she left. Their friend told her everything and they cried together. And he fell in love with her again. But girl cried because she felt that nothing had changed while she was away. Because she still loved them both.


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