Õigus teha head, õigus teha halba / Right to do good, right to do bad

Kas maailmavaade muudab kedagi targaks? Ei eales, inimest defineerib alati see, kes ta ei ole ja mida ta ei tea, mitte see, kes ta on ja mida ta teab.

Asi on õiguses. Õiguse teha kellelegi haiget ja halba annab endale inimene ise – tihti ka alateadlikust teadmatusest. Ja ometi on igal inimesel õigus elada, samamoodi nagu ka surra. Otsustada enda ja teiste inimeste ning elusolendite suremisaja ja elutingimuste üle on samuti õiguse küsimus. On see vajalik anda endast ükskõik millistes küsimustes aga halvim? See ei ole vajalik. Võib anda ka enda parima. Asi on vajalikkuses ja usus, mis omakorda annab õiguse mingisuguseks käitumiseks. Lubage endale teha ka head, armastada, leppida ja andestada näiteks- ja seda enda, mitte teiste pärast. Ka see on ausus enda vastu.

Does the way of looking at things make people wise? Never, because people are always defined by who they are not and what they do not know instead of who they are and what they know.

It´s the matter of right. Right to hurt someone and do bad things give people to itself and often unconsciously. Yet it´s also every human´s right to live and also to die. To decide for yourself, other people and living creatures on time of death and living conditions, is also the matter of right. But is it necessary to give always your worst in things which life brings to you? It is not necessary. You could give also your best. It´s the matter of necessity and beliefs, which gives you in return a right for some kind of behaviour. You can allow yourself also to do good, to love, to give in and to forgive if you like – also because of yourself, not others. It´s also the honesty to yourself.


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