Su energia/ Your energy
Inimesed on äärmuslased ja selles pole mitte
midagi halba- aga selleks on alati konkreetne põhjus. See on selleks, et sa
võtaksid vastutuse enda ja oma heaolu eest. Sest mida on halba sündimises ja suremises,
mis on äärmuslikud nähtused ja mille vahele jääb elu, mis on samasugune
vahendaja, nagu ämmaemand sünnitajale ja tema lapsele, aga nagu kõik usutavasti
teavad, pole võimalik olla täiskasvanu, olemata laps. Usk ehk suhtumine,
et äärmused on halvad, ongi pelgalt ainult usk. Iga inimene on äärmuslane ka
väga kategoorilisel elu austaja ja elu kustutaja skaalal, sest üks inimene saab
olla ainult kas mõrtsukas või mitte-mõrtsukas ning kui ta on mõrtsukas, saab ta
muutuda uuesti mitte-mõrtsukaks sellepärast, et aeg lihtsalt võimaldab seda –
samamoodi saab aga iga mitte-mõrtsukas muutuda mõrtsukaks samal põhjusel. Kõik
mis sellest üle jääb, on hinnang inimesele, kes on olnud kunagi mõrtsukas või
Samamoodi hinnatakse ka humanistlikke äärmusi – nagu näiteks inimesed, kes söövad liha versus taimetoitlased/ veganid. Levinud arusaam on, et omnivoorlus on kesktee – mis on üks meie aja paljudest ajuvabadest müütidest. Kuidas küll? Sest ei ole võimalik olla omnivoor ilma olemata karnivoor, mis on kõigest omnivoorluse alamaste – täpselt samamoodi nagu ei ole võimalik olla täiskasvanu, olemata laps. Omnivoor= karnivoor, tegu on samasuguse äärmusega nagu ka taimetoitlus ja veganlus ja kui segasööja usub, et ta pole omnivoorina äärmuslik, siis ta on irratsionaalne.
Asi on vastutuse võtmises (ja endast hoolimises- unusta ära teised, kui sa endast ei hooli, aga hoolid teistest või mingist ideest, siis sa põed märterlust), sest siis sa hoolid (loomulikult) ka teistest. Sa ei pea ootama kuni asjad lahenevad iseenesest (perekondlikul, ühiskondlikul, "saatuslikul" vmi tasandil), et sa saaksid siis vooluga kaasa minna, aga tihti meil tõesti jätkubki energiat ainult selleks. Ära ole siis karm endaga selle pärast – sest tõeliselt räägib selle taga siis sinuga hoopis su kannatamatus või mõni muu sinuga seotud energia. Tunne ta ära ja lase tast lahti, see on kõigest energia su sees. Ega ka üksildane sellepärast, et sinu väärtused ei ühti enamusega või sa jätkuvalt (harjumusest nt) otsid armastust endast väljas, samas kui oled otsustanud, et sinust ei saa enam vangi üheski su suhtes ja ainult füüsilisest armastusest ei piisa sulle. Kui sa oled endaga sõber, on su sõprus igavene.
Tõde on see, et meil kõigil on kõigutamatu õigus olla see inimene või riik või rühmitus, kes ta parajasti on ja olla teadlik sellest, sest muidu on tegu oma alateadvusele allumisega ja enda allasurumisega. Kõik mis on raske, on seda põhjusega, tunne see ära ning lase sellest lahti (see on kõigest energia!). Luba endal muutuda, aga see ei tähenda seda, et su alateadvuses ei ole teisi läbi lugemata peatükke, millest sul ettekujutustki veel pole- ja seda nii individuaalselt kui kollektiivselt.
People are extremists and there´s nothing wrong with that- but you are that for the sole purpose- to take responsibility for yourself, and for your wellbeing. Otherwise one considers "awful" also being born and dying, which are without a doubt extreme phenomenons and between them lays out life – which is a go-between like a mid-wife is that to a woman, who gives birth and to the child, who´s being born, but like everyone hopefully know, it is not possible to be adult without being a child. Belief aka attitude, that extremes are bad, is merely just a belief, nothing more. Every human is an extremist also what comes to category scale of „life´s to be respected“ and „life´s to be killed or wasted“, cause a person can either be someone who kills someone or someone who doesn´t kill and if he/she is a murderer, then he can change to non- murderer just because time endows that – like a non-murderder can become a murderer for the same reasons. Everything else is a personal judgement over a person, who´s been a murderer or non-murderer.
Likewise are judged humanitarian extreme phenomenons – like people, who eat meat versus vegans/vegetarians. There´s a common knowledge that omnivorism is a mid-way – which is actually one of many irrational myths of our time. How come? Because it is not possible to be an omnivore without being a carnivore – which is sub-level of omnivorism – just like it is not possible to be an adult without being a child. Omnivore= carnivore, it is as much extreme phenomenon as is veganism/vegetarianism and if you believe that being an omnivore, you are not an extremist, you´re irrational.
All it´s about, is taking responsibility (and caring for yourself- forget about others, if you don´t care for yourself, but care for others or about an idea, you suffer from martyrdom), then you care (naturally) also for others. You don´t have to wait till things take care by itself (on domestic, social or even on "fate" level) so that you could follow the lead then, but sometimes we indeed have only the energy to do just that. Don´t be harsh then on yourself because of that- which is easy to do if you´re impatient or because of some other energy that you have. Instead of that recognize your impatience and let it go (it´s energy!). Or lonely- because your values do not match with the majority or you´re looking for love outside of yourself (because of force of habit for example), but you´re done with being a prisoner in your relationships or experiencing only the physical love . If you´re a friend to yourself, you have established the eternal friendship.
The bottom line is that everyone has unaffected right to be that person or state or group, who he is and be aware of that, otherwise you are succumbed to your subconsciousness and are mentally suppressed. Everything that is difficult, is that for a reason. Recognize that and let it go- -it´s just energy! Allow yourself to change, but it doesn´t mean that your subconsciousness does not consist of chapters not yet read or completed and you don´t have a clue about that - both individually as well as collectively.
Samamoodi hinnatakse ka humanistlikke äärmusi – nagu näiteks inimesed, kes söövad liha versus taimetoitlased/ veganid. Levinud arusaam on, et omnivoorlus on kesktee – mis on üks meie aja paljudest ajuvabadest müütidest. Kuidas küll? Sest ei ole võimalik olla omnivoor ilma olemata karnivoor, mis on kõigest omnivoorluse alamaste – täpselt samamoodi nagu ei ole võimalik olla täiskasvanu, olemata laps. Omnivoor= karnivoor, tegu on samasuguse äärmusega nagu ka taimetoitlus ja veganlus ja kui segasööja usub, et ta pole omnivoorina äärmuslik, siis ta on irratsionaalne.
Asi on vastutuse võtmises (ja endast hoolimises- unusta ära teised, kui sa endast ei hooli, aga hoolid teistest või mingist ideest, siis sa põed märterlust), sest siis sa hoolid (loomulikult) ka teistest. Sa ei pea ootama kuni asjad lahenevad iseenesest (perekondlikul, ühiskondlikul, "saatuslikul" vmi tasandil), et sa saaksid siis vooluga kaasa minna, aga tihti meil tõesti jätkubki energiat ainult selleks. Ära ole siis karm endaga selle pärast – sest tõeliselt räägib selle taga siis sinuga hoopis su kannatamatus või mõni muu sinuga seotud energia. Tunne ta ära ja lase tast lahti, see on kõigest energia su sees. Ega ka üksildane sellepärast, et sinu väärtused ei ühti enamusega või sa jätkuvalt (harjumusest nt) otsid armastust endast väljas, samas kui oled otsustanud, et sinust ei saa enam vangi üheski su suhtes ja ainult füüsilisest armastusest ei piisa sulle. Kui sa oled endaga sõber, on su sõprus igavene.
Tõde on see, et meil kõigil on kõigutamatu õigus olla see inimene või riik või rühmitus, kes ta parajasti on ja olla teadlik sellest, sest muidu on tegu oma alateadvusele allumisega ja enda allasurumisega. Kõik mis on raske, on seda põhjusega, tunne see ära ning lase sellest lahti (see on kõigest energia!). Luba endal muutuda, aga see ei tähenda seda, et su alateadvuses ei ole teisi läbi lugemata peatükke, millest sul ettekujutustki veel pole- ja seda nii individuaalselt kui kollektiivselt.
People are extremists and there´s nothing wrong with that- but you are that for the sole purpose- to take responsibility for yourself, and for your wellbeing. Otherwise one considers "awful" also being born and dying, which are without a doubt extreme phenomenons and between them lays out life – which is a go-between like a mid-wife is that to a woman, who gives birth and to the child, who´s being born, but like everyone hopefully know, it is not possible to be adult without being a child. Belief aka attitude, that extremes are bad, is merely just a belief, nothing more. Every human is an extremist also what comes to category scale of „life´s to be respected“ and „life´s to be killed or wasted“, cause a person can either be someone who kills someone or someone who doesn´t kill and if he/she is a murderer, then he can change to non- murderer just because time endows that – like a non-murderder can become a murderer for the same reasons. Everything else is a personal judgement over a person, who´s been a murderer or non-murderer.
Likewise are judged humanitarian extreme phenomenons – like people, who eat meat versus vegans/vegetarians. There´s a common knowledge that omnivorism is a mid-way – which is actually one of many irrational myths of our time. How come? Because it is not possible to be an omnivore without being a carnivore – which is sub-level of omnivorism – just like it is not possible to be an adult without being a child. Omnivore= carnivore, it is as much extreme phenomenon as is veganism/vegetarianism and if you believe that being an omnivore, you are not an extremist, you´re irrational.
All it´s about, is taking responsibility (and caring for yourself- forget about others, if you don´t care for yourself, but care for others or about an idea, you suffer from martyrdom), then you care (naturally) also for others. You don´t have to wait till things take care by itself (on domestic, social or even on "fate" level) so that you could follow the lead then, but sometimes we indeed have only the energy to do just that. Don´t be harsh then on yourself because of that- which is easy to do if you´re impatient or because of some other energy that you have. Instead of that recognize your impatience and let it go (it´s energy!). Or lonely- because your values do not match with the majority or you´re looking for love outside of yourself (because of force of habit for example), but you´re done with being a prisoner in your relationships or experiencing only the physical love . If you´re a friend to yourself, you have established the eternal friendship.
The bottom line is that everyone has unaffected right to be that person or state or group, who he is and be aware of that, otherwise you are succumbed to your subconsciousness and are mentally suppressed. Everything that is difficult, is that for a reason. Recognize that and let it go- -it´s just energy! Allow yourself to change, but it doesn´t mean that your subconsciousness does not consist of chapters not yet read or completed and you don´t have a clue about that - both individually as well as collectively.
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