Unusta ära
täiuslikkus, lihtsalt otsusta ära mida sa tahad ja mis on kõige olulisem. Kui
sa tahad palju asju ja asju, mis puudutavad ka teisi, siis on aeg endale selgeks
teha, kes sa tõeliselt oled. Alles siis võid sa otsustada ka teiste eest. Head
2016. aastat! :-)
Forget the perfection, just make up your mind what do you want and what is most important. If you want many things and things, that affect others, it´s time to get through to who you truly are. Only then you can decide for others. Happy and fulfilling 2016! :-)
Forget the perfection, just make up your mind what do you want and what is most important. If you want many things and things, that affect others, it´s time to get through to who you truly are. Only then you can decide for others. Happy and fulfilling 2016! :-)
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