
Palju ei puudunud kui tast oleks saanud targa ja austusväärse, aga vaese intellektuaali kaasa. Selle asemel otsustas ta aga üksi läbi elu minna, täielikus teadmatuses sellest, et vastupidiselt paar elu tagasi kogetule, oli see valik ta menüüs nüüd ainult kui lõuna-eri loetud arvu päevi, samas kui toona toitus ta sellest vastu oma tahtmist enamikel hommiku-, lõuna- kui õhtusöökidel. „Milline raiskamine“, mõtles ta.

She was one step away from becoming the wife of wise and respectable, but poor intellectual. But instead of that she decided to go through life alone, being completely unaware that inversely to what she had experienced couple of lives ago, was this choice in her menu now available only as lunch special for counted number of days, while back then she had fed from it most of her breakfasts, lunches as well as dinners. "What a waste,“ she was thinking.


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