Lugemissoovitus/ Reading suggestion
Elif Shafak „Armastuse 40 reeglit. Romaan Rumist“
Elif Shafak "The forty rules of love: a novel of Rumi“
Ella. May 2008. Although Ella had finished college with a degree in English literature and loved fiction, she had not specialized in the field. Over the years she had edited some short articles for women´s magazines, attended few book clubs and had written couple of book reviews for local newspapers. That was it. There was time when she longed to become distinguished literary critic, but then she came to terms with the fact that life had carried her to another direction and turned her into active housewife, who had three children and endless number of domestic engagements.
Kimya. May 1247."I slept peacefully that night, feeling exultant and determined. Little did I know that I was making the most common and the most painful mistake women have made throughout the ages: to naively think that with their love they can change the man they love.”
Hetked sünnivad ja surevad. Selleks, et uued kogemused
saaksid tulla ellu, peavad vanad närtsima.
Šams. Jaanuar 1243. „Suurem osa maailma hädasid tuleneb
keelelistest vigadest ja lihtsatest arusaamatustest. Ära kunagi võta sõnu puhta
kullana. Kui astud armastuse valdustesse, kaotab keel sellisena nagu me teda
tunneme oma tähtsuse. See, mida sõnadesse panna ei saa, on mõistetav ainult
vaikuse kaudu.“
Ella. Mai 2008. Kuigi Ella oli lõpetanud kooli kraadiga
inglise kirjanduse alal ja armastas ilukirjandust, polnud ta pärast kolledžit
oma erialal eriti midagi teinud, ainult toimetanud lühikesi artikleid
naisteajakirjadele, osalenud paari raamatuklubi töös ja kirjutanud mõne
raamatuarvustuse kohalikele ajalehtedele. See oli kõik. Oli aeg, mil ta ihaldas
saada silmapaistvaks kirjanduskriitikuks, aga siis ta lihtsalt leppis
tõsiasjaga, et elu kannab ta teise suunda, teeb temast tegusa koduperenaise,
kel on kolm last ja lõputu hulk koduseid kohustusi.
Kimya. Mai 1247. "Sel ööl magasin rahulikult, tundsin end rõõmsa ja otsusekindlana. Ma ei osanud arvatagi, et tegin kõige tavalisema ja kõige valusama vea, mida naised alati on teinud: uskusin lihtsameelselt, et oma armastusega suudan muuta meest, keda armastan."
Moments are born and moments
die. For new experiences to come to life, old ones need to wither away.
Šams. January 1243. „Most
of the world´s woes emanate from the language and simple misunderstandings. Never
take words as pure gold. When you step into realms of love, language – as we
know it- will lose it´s significance. What you can´t put into words, can be
understood only through silence.“Ella. May 2008. Although Ella had finished college with a degree in English literature and loved fiction, she had not specialized in the field. Over the years she had edited some short articles for women´s magazines, attended few book clubs and had written couple of book reviews for local newspapers. That was it. There was time when she longed to become distinguished literary critic, but then she came to terms with the fact that life had carried her to another direction and turned her into active housewife, who had three children and endless number of domestic engagements.
Kimya. May 1247."I slept peacefully that night, feeling exultant and determined. Little did I know that I was making the most common and the most painful mistake women have made throughout the ages: to naively think that with their love they can change the man they love.”
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