Thinking out loud/ Valjult mõeldes
There are things that
come to us in life only when we ask for it out loud. People in difficult
circumstances don´t dare often to trust that and that´s why they don´t dare to
wish that something (or everything) would change – cause they are afraid that
things will turn out even worse than it already is. But you know what – if you´re
already in shitty situation and you wish that it would change – then HOW it
can get even worse? That is not a change, if difficult situation worsens, cause
it does not change a thing for you in real- you´re still stuck in the same s**t. It´s just fear talking in you
instead of trust.
I was having once this period in my life when everything was so steady and peaceful, that at one point I admitted to myself that this is just incredibly boring – and wished it would change. And you know what? It was matter of week or so when circumstances in my life just capsized – and as a result of that I was just amazed and blown off my feet. As they say – be careful what you wish, cause they do come true (just don´t have a change of heart) :).
I was having once this period in my life when everything was so steady and peaceful, that at one point I admitted to myself that this is just incredibly boring – and wished it would change. And you know what? It was matter of week or so when circumstances in my life just capsized – and as a result of that I was just amazed and blown off my feet. As they say – be careful what you wish, cause they do come true (just don´t have a change of heart) :).
Terve hulk asju juhtub meiega elus ainult siis, kui me küsime
seda valjult. Inimesed, kes on rasketes olukordades, ei usalda seda tihti ja
sellepärast nad ei söanda soovida, et miski (või ka kõik) muutuks – sest nad
kardavad, et olukord muutub veel hullemaks. Aga kui sa kord juba oled
sitas (või keerulises või raskes olukorras :)) ja soovid, et see muutuks – siis KUIDAS saab
see veel hullemaks minna? See ei oleks ju muutus, kui raske olukord veel
halvemaks muutuks, sest sinu jaoks ei muudaks see mitte kui midagi tõeliselt - endiselt oled s***s kinni.
See on ainult hirm, mis sinus räägib usalduse asemel.
Mul oli ükskord selline periood elus, kui kõik oli
väga stabiilne ja rahulik. Ühel hetkel ma leidsin aga, et see on lihtsalt
uskumatult igav – ja soovisin, et see muutuks. Ja mis juhtus? Umbes nädalaga
või nii, pöördus terve mu elu pea peale – ja mina olin selle keskmes
lihtsalt tummaks löödud ning jalust pühitud. Nii et nagu nad ütlevad – ole ettevaatlik
oma soovidega, sest need tõepoolest täituvad (ära ainult ümber mõtle) :).
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