Ootus/ Expecting
Üks kõige jubedamaid asju, mis saab inimesega juhtuda, on
ootamine, sest see muudab meid tuimaks. Ja mida vanemaks me saame, seda rohkem
ootusi meil on, sest meil on ju nii palju kogemusi, mille põhjal midagi oodata.
Ja isegi neid pole vaja, sest kui kogemusi on napilt või oleme need unustanud, siis
ühiskond oma väärtustega ja kõikvõimalike kanalitega söödab ideid meile söögi
alla ja peale – rääkimata me sügavalt isiklikest väärtustest, millel ei pruugi
olla mingit seost kehtivate käibetõdedega aegruumis, milles elame. Kas me
selleks siia tulimegi? Investeerima oma väga piiratud aega millegi ootamisse?
See tapab, aga see ei muuda seda, et kui meil on õigus midagi saada – mõni asi
või hoopiski kogemus (nii negatiivne kui positiivne), et me peame seda ootama,
kirves pea kohal rippumas või ka heauskselt eeldades. Meile kõigile meeldib
kasu, aga mis kasu me saame investeeringust, mis on tehtud millessegi
sellisesse, mis ei oma tõelist väärtust ja pudeneb nagu liiv sõrmede vahelt? Väärtustage
oma aega kui suudate, sest see tasub alati ära.
One of the most awful things that can happen to a person, is waiting, because it makes people numb. And the older we get, the more expectations we have, because we have so many experiences based on which to expect. And even that is not necessary, cause if we are lacking in experiences or have forgotten them, then society with it´s values and all kind of different channels feeds ideas to us 24/7 – not to mention our the most personal values, which may not have any connection to currently valid universal truths in time and space we live in. Is that why we´re here? To invest our limited time here waiting for something? It kills, but it doesn´t change the fact, that if we have right to receive something – a thing or some experience (both positive or negative), that we have to wait for it, ax hanging over our head or just assuming in good faith. We all like to make profit, but what kind of profit do we get from investment, which was made to something, which has no real value and crumbles like sand from our fingers? We should value our time here, cause it always pays off.
One of the most awful things that can happen to a person, is waiting, because it makes people numb. And the older we get, the more expectations we have, because we have so many experiences based on which to expect. And even that is not necessary, cause if we are lacking in experiences or have forgotten them, then society with it´s values and all kind of different channels feeds ideas to us 24/7 – not to mention our the most personal values, which may not have any connection to currently valid universal truths in time and space we live in. Is that why we´re here? To invest our limited time here waiting for something? It kills, but it doesn´t change the fact, that if we have right to receive something – a thing or some experience (both positive or negative), that we have to wait for it, ax hanging over our head or just assuming in good faith. We all like to make profit, but what kind of profit do we get from investment, which was made to something, which has no real value and crumbles like sand from our fingers? We should value our time here, cause it always pays off.
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